Saturday, April 25, 2009
7:10 pm Central Time Zone (United States)
I received a text message.
7:12 pm Central Time Zone (United States)
I looked at it.
Batman, my Batman, my best friend in the entire universe, who I can and have told just about anything to, who I look forward to seeing every day -even when I know I can't see her that day-, who's voice -when I get to hear it- makes me want to scream with happiness, who pretty much keeps the world going round, who keeps me on my feet, who tells me "you can do it" even when I don't believe her... moving.
Now I guess this isn't as big as it seems, I tend to over-dramatize things sometimes, and well, she's moving back to Oklahoma.
Four hours away.
I can't drive.
She assures me she'll be able to drive soon and will come visit me, but a four hour drive...most people would only make a drive like that when they absolutely had to...
Oh, and she's moving in 8 weeks.
-Sorry Batman, if you read this, sorry if it makes you sad-
I'd like to put in some corny comic relief for you, but sadly, I have none.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Some advice...and a funny story or two...
I'm going to give you all some advice. 'Cause I love you guys.
Do not climb in holly bushes.
They fricken hurt!
Mum made me practically bathe in Neosporin.
Why was I climbing in holly bushes might you ask...
Well, I was delivering a parcel ( wasn't wrapped, but same concept) to Batman. And we'd been talking all night so far. She'd been talking to her new boyfriend and telling me their entire I go to her house with my mum to deliver the secret thing. I open the door to let her dog in....and....out runs her father's satan cat!
So we chased it. Then it got behind the holly bushes and was hissing at us when we tried to grab it. The bushes are in in front of her house with like not even half a foot of space in between the bushes and the house. So I jeti my way back there and the thing is still hissing like mad. So Batman's sister is all "Are you mental?!!" and I'm all "NO! Meh!" and so then the thing ran to the other side of the house into the HOLLY bushes over on the right side. So then Batman and her sister wouldn't leave me behind the bushes.
So I was trying to Spiderman my way out and it wasn't working. So, I stood on the sprinkler and that didn't work. So then I found a foot hole in the brick and jumped over the bushes landing triumphantly on the ground. -punches fist in the air-
So we sprint to the other side of the house. All the while my mum and her mum are having a conversation by the car.
We get there...satan is no where to be found. So, we walk around the neighborhood a bit and then Batman spots it by her neighbor's house. So I run after it and it goes back in the bushes. We lured it toward the front with food and then went UNDER the bushes and swatted at it with the flashlight. Then it totally went beserk on my arm...ouch....
So then finally I give Batman the light, she gets by the door and I re-crawl under the bushes hit satan and he shoots out toward the neighbor's house again.
So then it's like in soccer or football where you're jumping back and forth trying not to let it get by you. And then I tackle the cat from behind, hold it up with a I-just-defeated-the-master-of-evil grin and walk to the door while listening to the cheers of Batman, her mum, my mum and her sister.
Moral of the story. Do NOT climb in holly bushes.
Now...for a funny story. Well, the last one was funny, but this one's funnier.
So the guy I've mentioned a few times, the stalker one. Well, Chelsea and I have a code, because he has our lunch on some days. Our code is: when I say "Chelsea, talk to me" she know's he's around and I want to be in a conversation so I he wont bother us.
So today we were walking and Chelsea was talking to her friend. And.....dun dun dun...there he I yell "Chelsea! Talk. To. Me." and she just looks at me and then keeps on talking to her friend. So, I start chanting "talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, TALK TO ME!!!" So, then she realizes what I'm getting at and we laugh about it.
Then he was gone and we were talking about it and then all of a sudden he was right behind us. So I was like "hey Chelsea! Talk to me, please" and she was like, "we already did this...why are you saying again" and then she turns her head to the side and he was like...right there! so we laugh about that and it was wayyy funnier if you were you just had to be there, but I thought I'd post it anyways.
Do not climb in holly bushes.
They fricken hurt!
Mum made me practically bathe in Neosporin.
Why was I climbing in holly bushes might you ask...
Well, I was delivering a parcel ( wasn't wrapped, but same concept) to Batman. And we'd been talking all night so far. She'd been talking to her new boyfriend and telling me their entire I go to her house with my mum to deliver the secret thing. I open the door to let her dog in....and....out runs her father's satan cat!
So we chased it. Then it got behind the holly bushes and was hissing at us when we tried to grab it. The bushes are in in front of her house with like not even half a foot of space in between the bushes and the house. So I jeti my way back there and the thing is still hissing like mad. So Batman's sister is all "Are you mental?!!" and I'm all "NO! Meh!" and so then the thing ran to the other side of the house into the HOLLY bushes over on the right side. So then Batman and her sister wouldn't leave me behind the bushes.
So I was trying to Spiderman my way out and it wasn't working. So, I stood on the sprinkler and that didn't work. So then I found a foot hole in the brick and jumped over the bushes landing triumphantly on the ground. -punches fist in the air-
So we sprint to the other side of the house. All the while my mum and her mum are having a conversation by the car.
We get there...satan is no where to be found. So, we walk around the neighborhood a bit and then Batman spots it by her neighbor's house. So I run after it and it goes back in the bushes. We lured it toward the front with food and then went UNDER the bushes and swatted at it with the flashlight. Then it totally went beserk on my arm...ouch....
So then finally I give Batman the light, she gets by the door and I re-crawl under the bushes hit satan and he shoots out toward the neighbor's house again.
So then it's like in soccer or football where you're jumping back and forth trying not to let it get by you. And then I tackle the cat from behind, hold it up with a I-just-defeated-the-master-of-evil grin and walk to the door while listening to the cheers of Batman, her mum, my mum and her sister.
Moral of the story. Do NOT climb in holly bushes.
Now...for a funny story. Well, the last one was funny, but this one's funnier.
So the guy I've mentioned a few times, the stalker one. Well, Chelsea and I have a code, because he has our lunch on some days. Our code is: when I say "Chelsea, talk to me" she know's he's around and I want to be in a conversation so I he wont bother us.
So today we were walking and Chelsea was talking to her friend. And.....dun dun dun...there he I yell "Chelsea! Talk. To. Me." and she just looks at me and then keeps on talking to her friend. So, I start chanting "talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, TALK TO ME!!!" So, then she realizes what I'm getting at and we laugh about it.
Then he was gone and we were talking about it and then all of a sudden he was right behind us. So I was like "hey Chelsea! Talk to me, please" and she was like, "we already did this...why are you saying again" and then she turns her head to the side and he was like...right there! so we laugh about that and it was wayyy funnier if you were you just had to be there, but I thought I'd post it anyways.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ok, so this will be a short post.
I just put a whole bunch o' songs on iTunes and went to sync my iPod and there not enough freaking space for all the music!! So. I'm majorly pissed off and kinda sad right now. 'Cause the solution is to get a new iPod and I'm had Lucentio (loi? spelling??) for like...EVER! And I don't want to retire him!
Also, the girls I have to work with are being rude again. They didnt call me when we were supposed to practice so they taught it all to me tonight...and we have to have it ready tomorrow. Lucky for them I worked my ass off and I know the dance quite well now.
I just put a whole bunch o' songs on iTunes and went to sync my iPod and there not enough freaking space for all the music!! So. I'm majorly pissed off and kinda sad right now. 'Cause the solution is to get a new iPod and I'm had Lucentio (loi? spelling??) for like...EVER! And I don't want to retire him!
Also, the girls I have to work with are being rude again. They didnt call me when we were supposed to practice so they taught it all to me tonight...and we have to have it ready tomorrow. Lucky for them I worked my ass off and I know the dance quite well now.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Dreadfully dramatic plant videos and my new "pet"
Well, I forgot to mention biology, we watched this horrible video. It was about plants and seed dispersal. And it was by far, the most dramatic video I'd ever seen. Seriously! The fricken thing went on and on about the "manipulant powers of plants" in their "competitive world" and the "competitive war-fare" and how plants were ACTUALLY eevil genius masterminds that manipulated things (humans, birds, aardvarks, ect.) into helping them survive.....And everything was "hell bent" on destroying the seeds!!!! Oh god!! And then, apparently some plants can predict the future, die and then come back to life when they know it will rain so they can disperse their seeds...and then the seeds would "rupture violently" with atomic bomb noises in the background...
It was odd...but the whole time I was thinking about how Batman would love to see this video 'cause it would make her laugh.
Also, I went to Lowes today. Dad got some stuff for the lawn mower and mum and I looked at plants. I got a CACTUS!!!!! It's so cute! I named it Cactus! And he's (yes, it's a him) is so adorable!!!
Here's a picture....

here's Cactus in the store...

And here's Cactus in his new home.
He really likes it!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dance!!! Whoo!!
Alright, well, you know when your so bored so you listen to a really, REALLY high energy song -cough All I Ever Wanted by Basshunter cough- to not be bored and then you find that it's midnight and you can't calm the heck down? Or is it just me? So, yeah, I heard that song for the first time the other day and I only heard the beginning and it got stuck in my head and I made it my mission to find it...well...I did. and I'm sort of kind of, not really obsessed with it? Just it would make a completely epic dance! You should go listen to it so you can hear it's amazing-ness.
Speaking of dance! I'm proud to announce that, after I was royally pissed off yesterday at the fact that my class started to listen to me with five days left till our dance had to be ready, we practiced for five hours and re-did the entire beginning and some of the middle. We still have a lot to do and we need to finish it, so we'll probably be working on it on Easter, but I'm happy with what we accomplished.
This is so gets coloured! Exactly one month from this very second (today is Friday April 10, 2009 at 11:57 and like 45 seconds) I will be in New York, New York! Yup! That's right! New York CITY!! Drill team trip!!!!! The entire team plus five chaperones will go. We leave a 6 A.M. Thursday May 7th and return to Texas Sunday May 11th. We get a tour of the Empire State building, tour of Mid-town, two Broadway shows (In the Heights and Mama Mia), private dance class at the Broadway Dance Center, and a tour of Radio City Music Hall with a Rockette!! We don't usually do trips, but once every four years! I'm sooo....excited!!!
Ok, well, that was....epic? So, yeah, now I'm excited. What am I going to do now? I'm to excited to read, my room is too messy to dance, TV will keep people awake. Hmm...I'll just keep listening to this song and make up music videos/dances in my mind to it...maybe I'll finally pick another song to listen to and make up music videos/dances to that one too....well...
until next time!
--Piddle! -is excited-
Hope I like New York. I'm planning on living there for at least a year in the future....
Speaking of dance! I'm proud to announce that, after I was royally pissed off yesterday at the fact that my class started to listen to me with five days left till our dance had to be ready, we practiced for five hours and re-did the entire beginning and some of the middle. We still have a lot to do and we need to finish it, so we'll probably be working on it on Easter, but I'm happy with what we accomplished.
This is so gets coloured! Exactly one month from this very second (today is Friday April 10, 2009 at 11:57 and like 45 seconds) I will be in New York, New York! Yup! That's right! New York CITY!! Drill team trip!!!!! The entire team plus five chaperones will go. We leave a 6 A.M. Thursday May 7th and return to Texas Sunday May 11th. We get a tour of the Empire State building, tour of Mid-town, two Broadway shows (In the Heights and Mama Mia), private dance class at the Broadway Dance Center, and a tour of Radio City Music Hall with a Rockette!! We don't usually do trips, but once every four years! I'm sooo....excited!!!
Ok, well, that was....epic? So, yeah, now I'm excited. What am I going to do now? I'm to excited to read, my room is too messy to dance, TV will keep people awake. Hmm...I'll just keep listening to this song and make up music videos/dances in my mind to it...maybe I'll finally pick another song to listen to and make up music videos/dances to that one too....well...
until next time!
--Piddle! -is excited-
Hope I like New York. I'm planning on living there for at least a year in the future....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Realizations....and stuff...
I've come to the conclusion that once you reach a certain point, life gets chaotic. The chaos is....well, chaotic. Everything is crazy and you have so much to do, so much to think about, so much to wonder, so much to dream, so much deal with. And I've realized, that once this period of chaos begins, there's no turning back. You can't escape it. And, if you're not ahead of it, you're drowned in it, it swallows you whole without a second thought.
And then, you finally get everything worked out. You get a moment's rest, but just a moment. And suddenly it's in hyper-speed again. You think every thing is finally finished and you can relax for just a while and then you realize there's more. There's new things, new people, new unknowns.
That's where I am right now. I'm juggling three major projects right now. Two of them I finished tonight, but the third (the one I really need to work on) is not even halfway done. I'm trying to keep my stupid maths grade up and get my English grade up. I'm trying to teach myself our freshman spring show dance. We start practicing on stage next week. Our dance isn't done. None of us really remember it. We fight and I get ignored too much. And, I just realized, I haven't done any work on my social officer stuff in a week.
So, there you have it. I thought okay, I just have to do the speech. And the I realized 'Oh, there's Spring Show and Social Officer Tryouts'
Also, there's this thing, informational meeting, I should say, about Military scholarships. I want to go. And I think I've almost convinced my mum, not really, but sort of. I'm limited though, in what I could do. Coast guard it out. I can't dive with my ear problems. Air force? Out. You need balance and hearing and good eye sight. Also, I'm clearly not a guy, so I'm limited because they won't let women in certain fields. And then there's that constant "Am I tough enough? Am I good enough? Would I be making a mistake? Will I regret it if I don't do it?" And of course "How am I going to serve after college if I'm so limited in what I can do?"
I'm really indecisive about it right now. I suppose I have a while to figure it out. One minute I'm in and then next I'm questioning. Which isn't good. Because I must be positive, one way or another, I must be absolutely-not-turning-back positive.
And then I think about my family and friends. How will it effect them?
So, at the moment, I'm not sure. All I know is I don't feel like writing a speech, so I'll just go read.
And then, you finally get everything worked out. You get a moment's rest, but just a moment. And suddenly it's in hyper-speed again. You think every thing is finally finished and you can relax for just a while and then you realize there's more. There's new things, new people, new unknowns.
That's where I am right now. I'm juggling three major projects right now. Two of them I finished tonight, but the third (the one I really need to work on) is not even halfway done. I'm trying to keep my stupid maths grade up and get my English grade up. I'm trying to teach myself our freshman spring show dance. We start practicing on stage next week. Our dance isn't done. None of us really remember it. We fight and I get ignored too much. And, I just realized, I haven't done any work on my social officer stuff in a week.
So, there you have it. I thought okay, I just have to do the speech. And the I realized 'Oh, there's Spring Show and Social Officer Tryouts'
Also, there's this thing, informational meeting, I should say, about Military scholarships. I want to go. And I think I've almost convinced my mum, not really, but sort of. I'm limited though, in what I could do. Coast guard it out. I can't dive with my ear problems. Air force? Out. You need balance and hearing and good eye sight. Also, I'm clearly not a guy, so I'm limited because they won't let women in certain fields. And then there's that constant "Am I tough enough? Am I good enough? Would I be making a mistake? Will I regret it if I don't do it?" And of course "How am I going to serve after college if I'm so limited in what I can do?"
I'm really indecisive about it right now. I suppose I have a while to figure it out. One minute I'm in and then next I'm questioning. Which isn't good. Because I must be positive, one way or another, I must be absolutely-not-turning-back positive.
And then I think about my family and friends. How will it effect them?
So, at the moment, I'm not sure. All I know is I don't feel like writing a speech, so I'll just go read.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Do you dream in colour?
I think I like purple today.
I've heard people say that they dream in black and white. Is it true? How? I've also heard, though I'm not entirely sure if it's true, that more people dream in black and white than in colour. Me, personally, I've never once dreamt in black and white. (that I can remember) I usually remember all of my dreams and if I don't remember exactly what they are about I remember colours and people and feelings that are associated with the dream. So, question for the commenteers! Do you dream in black and white or colour?
I think I'm going to ask random people tomorrow if they dream in black and white or in colour. Just to see how many answers I get. It'll be fun. I love going up to random people and asking them questions or talking to them.
So, I'm kind of stressed out. I have three projects to do this weekend. I have to write and outline for an informational speech about multiple personality disorder (also known as DID), I have to build a model of a church in France (Basilique du Sacre Coeur to be exact) (actually my dad'll end up building it while I write the report and do the map), and I have to continue planning a ten day vacation to three South East Asian countries for under $4500 (for world geography). Also, I'm working on Social Officer stuff, stressing about class dances for spring show because let's face it WE ARE GETTING KNOW WHERE, and something else but I just forgot.
So, yeah. I'm really tired right now. I think I just want to lay down and probably not sleep and then sleep and not sleep some more (haha. I sound like Alice in Wonderland) and listen to music and totally not think about anything in the aforementioned paragraph.
I've heard people say that they dream in black and white. Is it true? How? I've also heard, though I'm not entirely sure if it's true, that more people dream in black and white than in colour. Me, personally, I've never once dreamt in black and white. (that I can remember) I usually remember all of my dreams and if I don't remember exactly what they are about I remember colours and people and feelings that are associated with the dream. So, question for the commenteers! Do you dream in black and white or colour?
I think I'm going to ask random people tomorrow if they dream in black and white or in colour. Just to see how many answers I get. It'll be fun. I love going up to random people and asking them questions or talking to them.
So, I'm kind of stressed out. I have three projects to do this weekend. I have to write and outline for an informational speech about multiple personality disorder (also known as DID), I have to build a model of a church in France (Basilique du Sacre Coeur to be exact) (actually my dad'll end up building it while I write the report and do the map), and I have to continue planning a ten day vacation to three South East Asian countries for under $4500 (for world geography). Also, I'm working on Social Officer stuff, stressing about class dances for spring show because let's face it WE ARE GETTING KNOW WHERE, and something else but I just forgot.
So, yeah. I'm really tired right now. I think I just want to lay down and probably not sleep and then sleep and not sleep some more (haha. I sound like Alice in Wonderland) and listen to music and totally not think about anything in the aforementioned paragraph.
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