Saturday, March 28, 2009
Here's how tryouts go:
We tryout in front of three qualified judges.
Monday: We are put in the groups of three or four that we will tryout in. We learn the first half of our tryout dance. Learn split and pirouette combinations.
Tuesday: Learn second half of dance. Learn leap combinations.
Wed: Practice the dance and individual combonations and perform in small groups of 8 or 12.
Thursday: Run through the entire tryout process in your group of three or four in front of everyone else.
Friday: Tryouts! Get scored in front of a panel of judges. Usually go out to eat afterwards.
So, all was well this week. I was in the last group to tryout. Seriously, there were 46 girls trying out and I was number 45. HAha. I was in a group of three and the only veteran in the group. So, we go out and do our individual combinations and then get in our spots for the dance.
We get the kick section of the dance. You know, like the Rockettes do, where they kick in a line...that's what we do, so we got to that part. And we're doing run of the mill, easy straight kicks forward and I kicked my left leg up (two inches or so from my nose) and my right foot falls out from under me and I fall on my ASS in the middle of my tryouts! So, I'm in the middle of these two girls and I'm on the ground and they like still have their arms on me and I'm on the ground.
Here's how I fell in detail...and how I got up: So I fell and basically landed almost with my butt touching the floor. My right leg was bent underneath me and my left leg was still out in mid-air (like the weird jumpy Russian dance thing...ya know?) So then I totally JUMPED up from that position, killing my leg in the process, and made it up in time for the next kick. So I fell on one kick, came back up in time for the next one. All the while I'm kicking myself mentally and and yelling "WHAT HAPPENED?!" in my head...
It was UNreal. I kid you not, I wanted to smack myself. I never fall while kicking. So, then, once I got back up I finished the dance with a lot of enthusiasm and energy and hoped to god there were callbacks.
There usually are. In the event of callbacks they split the girls half and half by number and they just go do the dance one last time and the judges look at anyone that they might want to re-score to make it more fair. So, I went back in for callbacks and as soon as the kick section came all the judges whipped their heads around to stare me down. -shockhorror- But! I did the kick sequence perfectly, and I didn't fall.
So, that's my hilarious story for the day. It really was funny when I fell. But the Assistant Principal who was watching, didn't think so, she mouthed to me "Are you okay?" after I finished the dance when I fell. She's super nice and very supportive of the drill team.
So, yeah, that's all I got. Oh, Porkchop's birthday party is tomorrow. My mum got this guy she works with (who's also DJ part time) to do my sister's party, so it should be pretty entertaining. Batman's coming, I hope, so I'll have to talk about that tomorrow.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
it's making me laugh like a doofus.
Funny random stuff...

There it is!!

I slamed Batman's thumb in the car door. Okay, wait, it didn't SLAM and it, of course wasn't intentional. She just hadn't gotten her hand out of the way in time. Anyhow, then she spent the rest of the day bitching about how much it hurt and her mum wouldn't listen properlly and sorry Batman, but you kinda did complain a lot but I still love you :0) and yus.

LAter that day: We went to the dollar store and made some lovely flower arrangments. -I crack up every time I look at this one-
Then we got kind of lazy....

Then Batman had to lift me all the way up there -points- to get a flower.
It was fun.
Then I tried on some shoes. But this was before the flowers, after the slaming in the car...
These shoes were fricken amazing and I wanted them, but they were a bit too big.
That's all I've got for now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Also I've had dreams, TWICE, that I've had to have ear sugery again. Funny enough I'm about to go see the doctor right now. The one specializes in ear, nose, and throat. I get a hearing test and then he just kind looks in my ears tells me the right one's still suck-ish and flat-lined on the test and then sends me on my merry way.
Have I mentioned my hearing aid? Don't think so, it's one of the ones that wraps around your ear. The electronic part is purple and the part that goes into your ear is purple and red swirled with silver sparkles!! AHA!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I'm sleepy.
anyone has any guesses to why I am so tired...feel free to enlighten me...
So....I'm searching for a good informational speech topic. If anyone has any ideas please comment and GIVE ME THE IDEA SO I CAN maybe USE IT but don't just leave a comment saying "I have an idea" and that's it. Or else I'll be forced to call you a moron and laugh about you with my friends. uhhh....well, then, please, yeah, leave your idea in your comment or make a comment in your comment saying "my idea has pwn-age and I'm gunna use it for my informational speech so HA!" and then I'll probably laugh and threaten to bite your left thumb off or something completely normal like that. No. Uhh...I was kidding? Maybe? Just....yeah...uhmmmm......-wtf?-
Moooving on....I've decided that, this would be easier to understand if you'd all seen Drop Dead Fred. Well, go Imdb it after this. But from now uncle...the one I don't like shall be named the Mega-Bitch ('cause, come on, we all know that's fun to say) and I shall be Batman's Pidge (but don't confuse us with Lanna-lovely and her Batman -we do give her credit for our names-) and my sister shall be Pork Chop. Got it? Oh, and Pork Chop shall be called Pork Chop behind her back to minimalize vicious guard dog use.
I have a French project and a model of some church to build (for the project), the first three books of The Oddessy to read and some maths, which I suck at. And my room is a mess because I was going through CD's and they are still EVERYWHERE and then there's the clothes and yeah....
So, I'm gunna go not do anything I just mentioned and I might post again later.
--Piddle (who...if you want, you can call me Allison)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Yus, he made it through, now he's in recovery for two hours and no one can go see him for two hours. Then we just have to wait to see how he is. I don't know if he's awake or not or maybe I don't know. But, he made it through the surgery...
9:00 this morning: I wake up to a phone ringing and then my mother is sobbing. So, I pratically fall out of bed and my grandma (who lives with us) says "they got a lung" so I run in my mom's room and do the most uncharacteristic-Allison-thing ever. I start sobbing.
10:00 All has calmed down a bit, mum and dad have been looking online at air-flight prices and then mum comes in my room and I ask, point blank, "What am I supposed to feel?" I just don't know what to feel right now. So she answers, "Happy. You're happy. You're happy because this is the only chance he's got. If he doesn't get this surgery he dies a slow painful....if he gets the surgery he dies anyway, but he could die during the surgery, he could die after the surgery. You are happy, because this is the only chance he's got." And so I nodded and she said, "We're going to the grocery store if you want to come,"
12:23 we just got a phone call from my uncle who lives up near the hospital. He's been frantically trying to get his house together so they can stay there when the hospital releases him. They will have the lung (or lungs, no one really knows) to the hospital at 2 o'clock eastern time which is 1 o'clock where I live. My grandpa's in the OR right now and they are preping him for surgery so they can be ready when the lung gets there. I guess they know for sure it's a match, I don't know.
So, yeah, just wanted to get that out of my system. My mom's been doing stuff all day to keep herself busy, but I've been just kind of floating around. I've found I have the ability to push bad stuff away and just not think about it until I'm ready to face it. Like, right now, a normal person would be sobbing, but I'm not thinking about him or the surgery or the fact that I didn't get on the webcam with them last night to show them my new dress or the fact that I wish I had because I didn't know last night that all this would happen today...I'm just pulling things from the back of my head and not letting them up front.
Until later
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The I love your blog thing!

OK, so I was given the "Love your blog" award by Lanna-lovely. And now I'm just following the directions I was given, so as to avoid being pelted with avacados....and cheese.
So, here's what'cha do:
1) Put the award logo on your blog somewhere.
2) Add a link to the person that gave you the award.
3) Share the love! Nominate at least 7 other blogs (that
haven't already gotten the award).
4) Add links to the blogs you nominated.
5) Leave a message on the blogs you nominated (they can't accept an award they don't know about).
Soo....I gave the award to:
1. BaTMaNn
2. Winter_xoxo
3. Aliella
4. SimplyShy
5. kay
6. Leah
7. Ashley
So anyways, I've much more to say, but that'll have to wait....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Real Quick!
So, we're working on dances by grade level and obviously I'm in the 9th grade dance. So, we wanted to a modern, but the seniors are doing a modern, so I said, DO A POM! I wanted a pom from the begining. So, I suggested a song, Poker Face by Lady Gaga. So then one of the girls decides OH! WE'RE GONNA ADD HIP HOP TO THE END OF THE POM! and puts a rap song on the end of Poker Face. -gags- So, I allowed it, we are supposed to work as a team. But now everything's screwed up so I got pissed and ranted in my head and wrote them a passive-aggressive note in my mind and wanted to share it. Names are changed.
Hey Girls,
I have been so excited to do this dance with you, however, it doesn't seem to be going well. I know you wanted to do a modern, but I think pom is better, because it's more high energy and the audience will like it. But, I have a concern. It's a freaking POM, not a hip hop! Transition from pom to hip hop at least and make the pom look like a pom. Also, your pom choreography sucks. You said that you couldn't choreograph a pom, Claire, and so I said I would do it and you and Cassidy could do the hip hop, but now it's like LETS DO IT TOGETHER! No! See, because your "pom" doesn't have enough arm movements and it's just standing and doing ripples! What the hell is that?! Let me do the pom and you guys stick to your hip hop crap.
And what happened to common courtesty? I come in everyday and, admit it, I'm super nice to you guys. I never get a word from you. If I say hi then you'll say hi. If I don't say hi, well shit, you're not going to say hi. I got up this morning and dragged my ass out in the rain and I couldn't even see because of my vision issues and came to practice. And you two were the first people in the studio this morning and you sat ACROSS the room and didn't say a word to me. Then you just went in the gym and basically left me for dead to fend for myself when I can't even hardly tell if someone's STANDING IN FRONT OF ME or not! Honestly, we're not in second grade anymore! Get over yourselves! When people need help, which I clearly needed help considering I was soaked and "looking" around trying to find someone that wouldn't mind helping me, if someone needs help, HELP THEM! So, thanks for nothing.
Yus, I went back and edited.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I realized something today, when I found out it isn't epilepsy that causes the eye things. I got really mad and upset because like I said before, that's a suck-ass answer. I realized that I am perfectly fine with other people being upset or angry over legitimate things, but when I'm upset or angry over legitimate things It's pathetic. So, why is it pathetic when I'm upset, but not when other people are? Why do I think that way?
I guess it's cause I want to think that I'm invincible. Not like, teenage boy suddenly thinks that he can jump off a cliff and live, invincible, but like the I-don't-need-any-help-and-getting-upset-is-stupid-and-such, invincible. I guess it's just 'cause I don't want any help with anything no matter what.
Like my code for asking for help on a school resume project..."Mr. Webb said that our parent's would love to help us with this project!" Translation: I have no fricken idea how to write a resume! Mom! Help!
So, yeah, that's about it, for now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Haha. Get it? It's yellow, nannerpuss.....banana.....-shuts up-
I absolutely hate that commercial, although the nannerpuss thing makes me crack up laughing every time. But I hate bananas so....
Wells...we did much better at our second contest. But, I don't remember all the awards.
I totally had soo...much to blog about and now I've forgotten most of it.
I kept checking my blog and thinking, "Why the heck hasn't she posted in so long?" and then I finally told myself this, "It's YOUR blog! YOU have to post!" and I was like OH! and then Vlad was all, "No shit sherlock" and I was all "yeah? well, stfu! -pwn'd-"
So, I decided to post. I bought Batman (my Batman) her Cristmas in July present. (Yus? I think we should spell it that way. What do you think?)
Allah Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!!!
Does anyone recall the magician on Sesame Street that said that? I lOved him! And Count! They were amazing!
Umm...ok, so I just remembered why I thought this post-age would be so long.
So, I have these weird vision problems where like for an hour to an hour and a half EVERYDAY I'll see blurriness and black spots in front of my face and like, it tends to happen in the morning and I couldn't compete in contest (dance) because of it and junk.
So, short story version, we've seen tons of doctors and now we are seeing a neurologist. And he ordered a sleep-deprived EEG which is where they put the like octopus cuppy thingies on your head and monitor your brain function or whatever. So I had that test on Monday morning and the results are instantanious. So we just had to wait for the doctor to review them and see whether or not I have the type of epilepsy where you just have a seizure in your brain. Our other alternative diagnosis? Occular migranes. Now, I'm hoping that it is epilepsy because then I have a solid diagnosis to go off of. I'll be happy with diagnosis of migranes but that just seems like a lame-ass answer. We've done so much to just hear that it's migranes?! But, I just want an answer and I want to dance and I want to see all the time everyday, so...
P.S. Nannerpuss is off of the Denny's resturant commercial, it has a theme song too! Go! Youtube it!