There it is!!

I slamed Batman's thumb in the car door. Okay, wait, it didn't SLAM and it, of course wasn't intentional. She just hadn't gotten her hand out of the way in time. Anyhow, then she spent the rest of the day bitching about how much it hurt and her mum wouldn't listen properlly and sorry Batman, but you kinda did complain a lot but I still love you :0) and yus.

LAter that day: We went to the dollar store and made some lovely flower arrangments. -I crack up every time I look at this one-
Then we got kind of lazy....

Then Batman had to lift me all the way up there -points- to get a flower.
It was fun.
Then I tried on some shoes. But this was before the flowers, after the slaming in the car...
These shoes were fricken amazing and I wanted them, but they were a bit too big.
That's all I've got for now.
Sounds like you had fun except for Batman's finger getting hurt.
Have a nice day :)!
P.S. Sorry for the short comment.
I'm sorry I complained Pidge. It's still colorful.
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