Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ice Cream Conversations...FUN!

Haha. So I realized that my mom and I do this thing every time I have ice cream. I get some and put it in a bowl. If it's a new flavour we haven't tried yet, then I'll go in her room and tell her about it. Then in a few minutes she'll meet me in the kitchen and eat it out of the tub. And we have conversations while eating...

Me: So....?
Mom:-incoherent mumbling noise whilst she spoons more ice cream into her mouth-
Me: Yup. Uh huh. Totally.

Then we do have real conversations.

Tonight's was about a conversation we had in the pool today. We were talking about one her old, high school stalker mafia boyfriends. And my sister goes, "What are you guys talking about?" and my mom goes, "Boyfriends." And my sister says, "Why, does Allie want one?" and we just kind of laughed as she swam away...

But we brought up one of my friends who's brother was literally in love with me a few years ago. And it was funny because his mom had no idea until last summer when we went to visit him she said, "I think Ryan had a crush on Allie" and my mom was just like DUH. -facepalm-

The boy would put lipstick on and chase me around the house and draw pictures for me and give them to a random times...he was completely in love with me.

So...that's about it.



SimplyShy01 said...

Sounds like you have ice cream often! So lucky!

Lol, that conversation just before you wrote 'then we do have real conversations' is funny!

It sounds like your sister is younger than you :).

I want a boyfriend, but not right now. I want to wait until the right guy comes along, which probably won't happen sometime soon.

Take care and have a nice day :)!


SimplyShy01 said...

Oh, I forgot to something! Did school already end for you? If so, how's your summer going?

Anonymous said...

okay im done.