Friday, May 29, 2009

Get yourself together

Honestly the title doesn't mean a thing, it's lyrics to the song I'm listening to. Anyways, I realized that this cycle thing goes on. I blog...then I like disappear off the face of the earth for days....then I come back and say that I'm not dead, nothing's eaten me, ect....well...yeah.....

There's a story this time. Well, every time there is, but there's a legitimate reason this time. I'll explain. Well, the past week I have come home from school...and went straight into my sister's room, did my homework and basically sat in there all night. Why, you ask? Well, the only time I went into my room was to get clothes and to sleep. Why? I was seriously afraid that something would eat me. My room was such a mess. It was a complete wreck. The couch was non-existent. And by non-existent I mean covered in clothes and bags and my floor was covered in clothes and shoes and books and it was horrendous. So, today, I was in my sister's room and she looked at me and she said, "Why don't you go clean your room?" and I said, "Something will eat me." and she dragged me off the bed and pushed me in the room and closed the door and said, "Clean. Now. You know you want to." And I yelled to her, "Where do I start??!!!!!" and she yells back, "That couch!"

So, I did.

Then I freaked out because I found 6 of my 9 dance clothing pieces. And I needed to find the other three. I was completely flipping out. So I texted Batman. I said, "I'm attempting to clean my room, I can't find three of my dance tops. Help!" And she gave me a list of places I'd already looked. I went through my entire closet, folding all twenty billion shirts I have and found two of them. Two! So, I went to the living room and told my grandpa. And he said, "well, sit for a while, clear your head, and then go look again"

Mom came home a few minutes later. I said, " Have you seen my red heart top?" She goes, "Yeah, it's in the laundry room. We haven't washed it yet, cause I didn't think you needed it. Do you need it?"

And that's how I regained use of my room and computer. Because I couldn't sit in here so I couldn't even bring myself to turn the computer on....

So, now for the brownie saga.

I had to make brownies for a drill team thing on Tuesday. I was sick, so mom said she'd make them so I didn't cough on them. I wouldn't have coughed on them. Hmph.

My dad was supposed to bring them to me right after school at 4 o'clock. The thing didn't start until 4:30. So, I figured 4 would be good. Well, I get to school in the morning and one of my friends who's sort of the leader figure in the officer group said, with puppy eyes, "Is there any way you can get them here earlier?"

So, I called my mom and asked if she could bring the brownies. All the while feeling horrible because she really needed to get to work. Then I realized I didn't have my geography stuff. My geography teacher is really tall intimidating guy who yells really loud and you never know if he's joking because the next second he's yelling at someone. So, I kind of wanted my stuff. So I call her back and asked her to search through my room (it looked like it did before I cleaned it) for my stuff. All the while feeling horrible because she needed to get to work.

She finds everything. And it's pouring down raining outside. She opens her car door. Starts to get in and the wind blows the door shut and she has to pull her legs in fast. In that motion she falls and the brownies spill all over the passenger seat. She called my dad in tears. Well, I didn't know this at the time. But she made me feel plenty guilty on the car ride home from school. But, it's okay, by that time she had calmed down enough not to get mad at me.

So, tomorrow, I'm going to dye my hair and Batman and I are going to make colourful t-shirts with puffy paint! I'll post a picture of my hair and probably the shirts too. I'm excited.

Oh! I wanted to put this in here. I got this email and its about a special way to show gratitude and thanks toward people in the military. This guy in Seattle started it two years ago and is trying to get the word out.

Take the time to watch that video and watch the long version too. :)

Ways to Join the Gratitude Campaign:

1. Remember to say 'thank you.'
2. Wear Red Shirts on Fridays.
3. Tie a Yellow Ribbon.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tell others about the Gratitude Campaign.

I really like it and I think it's great. I'm still not decided on what I'm doing though....


1 comment:

SimplyShy01 said...

I gave you an award!