Liar! Liar! Liiiiaaaarr!!!
I'm so excited that I'm not going to waste time rambling about how excited I am. Or is that what I'm doing? Maybe I should shut up? Survey says yes. Vlad says yes. Ok. Shutting up.
First off, today I was washing something off my hand (just one hand) during dinner I spilled something on my and went to the sink and turned on the hot water tab and put my hand under. Then I realized it was steaming and that my hand hurt and I calmly said, "Maybe I should use the cold water tab so my hand doesn't burn. What do you guys think?" all the while the hot water was still on my hand and my family was kind of just staring at me...
Well, I found it amusing.
Secondly, Batman came over briefly to give me a cool drawing of a dinosaur her friend Sammy drew. She came over on Saturday night too. It was storming like crazy and she shows up at my door and well, she stayed all night and then went errand-running with mum and me on Sunday. So. Anyway, just before she shows up...wait .... I have to explain the situation...
So my dad did a bunch of work for our neighbour a while back (cough two years ago cough) and paid for a lot of the stuff and the neighbour promised that he would stain our fence once we power-washed it. So today he came over to stain the fence. His wife ended up coming over with her pork chops (loi? Porkchop!!!! That's my sister!!! HA!!!) and used our grill. So anyway we were out there (we being neighbour, mum, dad, grandpa, porkchop and that's it for now) and I saw this tree branch on top of a bag of trash in my yard. (it was our trash). So, I pick it up and started carrying it around. Then my grandma pokes her head through the door and says "Batman's here" and she came and gave the picture and we chatted about Joshua (the tree branch) and then we showed her mommy Joshua. And then she left. But I did get some pictures...

I kept walking around telling people: "This is Joshua. He's a piece of a tree. He's in the process of dying, so I figured I'd show him around a bit!" I even sent my friend a text message saying: "If you see this in your neighbourhood do not be afraid. I come in peace" or something along those lines....
Then we were talking about (we being myself and grandpa) about New York and the window displays in the shops. So I posed for the out-doorsy shop window....
So, yes, Joshua had a grand ol' time until the neighbourhood brats started pulling on his leaves and making he death more painful. Seriously! The little boy wouldn't go away! I think that's all....Bye now!!
and for your enjoyment:
I was going to Ascii Art you a bunny (go look that up if you don't know) but my computer freaked out and is being butt head....hmph.
1 comment:
I'm excited for you about going to New York!
Lol at so many places in this blog post. It's kind of ironic that you're so calm while your hand is burning. And Joshua the tree, lol!
That's cool that Batman gave you a drawing, that's sweet. :)
Have a nice day :)!
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