Thursday, June 25, 2009
At this moment. The answer is yes. And friends of mine would kill me if they read this. Haha.
I did some research and I can go into the medical field and specialize in a field I'm already interested in. I want to be a clinical psychologist. So I can go into mental health.
I'd do Basic Training and then like, I think it was, 20 weeks of training in my specialization.
I don't have anything else to say other than:
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ice Cream Conversations...FUN!
Me: So....?
Mom:-incoherent mumbling noise whilst she spoons more ice cream into her mouth-
Me: Yup. Uh huh. Totally.
Then we do have real conversations.
Tonight's was about a conversation we had in the pool today. We were talking about one her old, high school stalker mafia boyfriends. And my sister goes, "What are you guys talking about?" and my mom goes, "Boyfriends." And my sister says, "Why, does Allie want one?" and we just kind of laughed as she swam away...
But we brought up one of my friends who's brother was literally in love with me a few years ago. And it was funny because his mom had no idea until last summer when we went to visit him she said, "I think Ryan had a crush on Allie" and my mom was just like DUH. -facepalm-
The boy would put lipstick on and chase me around the house and draw pictures for me and give them to a random times...he was completely in love with me.
So...that's about it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Officer Camp and Vacations and No Air conditioning....OH MY!
I felt like blogging merrily about my entire vacation, but now I dont. So, I'll do the short version...maybe...
So, my family left for Panama City Beach, Florida on Saturday June 6th. I stayed at my Batman's house Saturday and sunday and then left Monday for Officer Camp for drill team. I came back on Thursday and flew to florida at 10 at night. then spent two days in florida and then drove back home with my family.
The guy I sat next to on the plane was in air force and I thought that was totally cool.... :P
uuummmm....I really dont have anything to ramble about...which is weird, but I'm sure I'll find something later!
Oh!!! Michaela! Thank you so much for my award!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Get yourself together
There's a story this time. Well, every time there is, but there's a legitimate reason this time. I'll explain. Well, the past week I have come home from school...and went straight into my sister's room, did my homework and basically sat in there all night. Why, you ask? Well, the only time I went into my room was to get clothes and to sleep. Why? I was seriously afraid that something would eat me. My room was such a mess. It was a complete wreck. The couch was non-existent. And by non-existent I mean covered in clothes and bags and my floor was covered in clothes and shoes and books and it was horrendous. So, today, I was in my sister's room and she looked at me and she said, "Why don't you go clean your room?" and I said, "Something will eat me." and she dragged me off the bed and pushed me in the room and closed the door and said, "Clean. Now. You know you want to." And I yelled to her, "Where do I start??!!!!!" and she yells back, "That couch!"
So, I did.
Then I freaked out because I found 6 of my 9 dance clothing pieces. And I needed to find the other three. I was completely flipping out. So I texted Batman. I said, "I'm attempting to clean my room, I can't find three of my dance tops. Help!" And she gave me a list of places I'd already looked. I went through my entire closet, folding all twenty billion shirts I have and found two of them. Two! So, I went to the living room and told my grandpa. And he said, "well, sit for a while, clear your head, and then go look again"
Mom came home a few minutes later. I said, " Have you seen my red heart top?" She goes, "Yeah, it's in the laundry room. We haven't washed it yet, cause I didn't think you needed it. Do you need it?"
And that's how I regained use of my room and computer. Because I couldn't sit in here so I couldn't even bring myself to turn the computer on....
So, now for the brownie saga.
I had to make brownies for a drill team thing on Tuesday. I was sick, so mom said she'd make them so I didn't cough on them. I wouldn't have coughed on them. Hmph.
My dad was supposed to bring them to me right after school at 4 o'clock. The thing didn't start until 4:30. So, I figured 4 would be good. Well, I get to school in the morning and one of my friends who's sort of the leader figure in the officer group said, with puppy eyes, "Is there any way you can get them here earlier?"
So, I called my mom and asked if she could bring the brownies. All the while feeling horrible because she really needed to get to work. Then I realized I didn't have my geography stuff. My geography teacher is really tall intimidating guy who yells really loud and you never know if he's joking because the next second he's yelling at someone. So, I kind of wanted my stuff. So I call her back and asked her to search through my room (it looked like it did before I cleaned it) for my stuff. All the while feeling horrible because she needed to get to work.
She finds everything. And it's pouring down raining outside. She opens her car door. Starts to get in and the wind blows the door shut and she has to pull her legs in fast. In that motion she falls and the brownies spill all over the passenger seat. She called my dad in tears. Well, I didn't know this at the time. But she made me feel plenty guilty on the car ride home from school. But, it's okay, by that time she had calmed down enough not to get mad at me.
So, tomorrow, I'm going to dye my hair and Batman and I are going to make colourful t-shirts with puffy paint! I'll post a picture of my hair and probably the shirts too. I'm excited.
Oh! I wanted to put this in here. I got this email and its about a special way to show gratitude and thanks toward people in the military. This guy in Seattle started it two years ago and is trying to get the word out.
Take the time to watch that video and watch the long version too. :)
Ways to Join the Gratitude Campaign:
1. Remember to say 'thank you.'
2. Wear Red Shirts on Fridays.
3. Tie a Yellow Ribbon.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tell others about the Gratitude Campaign.
I really like it and I think it's great. I'm still not decided on what I'm doing though....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Everything that's been going on...
First things first:
New York:
The city is spectacular. I would live there if I could afford it. It’s a very sensory place. It’s all about the sights and smells and sounds. You walk the streets and one second you smell car exhaust and then next you’re at a street corner smelling hot dogs. There’s cars and people everywhere. They have signs that read “NO HONKING $350 FINE” which of course no one pays any attention to. At night, outside of your window there’s at least thirty cars honking and suddenly you’ll hear a fire truck.
I don’t want to re-account for the entire trip so I’ll do the high lights.
In the Heights is a masterpiece. It’s about a group of people who live in a section of the city called Washington Heights. It’s near a bridge. That’s about all I know. And it’s their last three days Washington Heights because their power was shut off. People fall in love, sing songs, fight, ect.
Mama Mia was super fun! There was this one usher guy and he was probably 80 something years old. And he kept yelling at people for using cameras and junk during the show and then during the finale…something catches someone’s eye, and we turn around….he’s dancing along to the music. AND! He knows the dance that they’re doing on stage!!!!!
Now…Social Officer Tryouts:
I tried out for Social Officer for drill team. And…I made it!!!!!!!!
Tryouts were this morning and the results were ready at 1:30.
Last night though, I couldn’t sleep at all. I tried counting sheep in English, French and Spanish. Then I tried naming all the U.S. Presidents in order, but I couldn’t remember who came after Andrew Jackson. Then I was singing to myself. I got one hour of sleep and then went to tryouts and I’m so tired right now I could fall over.
So, I just wanted to get all of this out there!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Liar! Liar! Liiiiaaaarr!!!
I'm so excited that I'm not going to waste time rambling about how excited I am. Or is that what I'm doing? Maybe I should shut up? Survey says yes. Vlad says yes. Ok. Shutting up.
First off, today I was washing something off my hand (just one hand) during dinner I spilled something on my and went to the sink and turned on the hot water tab and put my hand under. Then I realized it was steaming and that my hand hurt and I calmly said, "Maybe I should use the cold water tab so my hand doesn't burn. What do you guys think?" all the while the hot water was still on my hand and my family was kind of just staring at me...
Well, I found it amusing.
Secondly, Batman came over briefly to give me a cool drawing of a dinosaur her friend Sammy drew. She came over on Saturday night too. It was storming like crazy and she shows up at my door and well, she stayed all night and then went errand-running with mum and me on Sunday. So. Anyway, just before she shows up...wait .... I have to explain the situation...
So my dad did a bunch of work for our neighbour a while back (cough two years ago cough) and paid for a lot of the stuff and the neighbour promised that he would stain our fence once we power-washed it. So today he came over to stain the fence. His wife ended up coming over with her pork chops (loi? Porkchop!!!! That's my sister!!! HA!!!) and used our grill. So anyway we were out there (we being neighbour, mum, dad, grandpa, porkchop and that's it for now) and I saw this tree branch on top of a bag of trash in my yard. (it was our trash). So, I pick it up and started carrying it around. Then my grandma pokes her head through the door and says "Batman's here" and she came and gave the picture and we chatted about Joshua (the tree branch) and then we showed her mommy Joshua. And then she left. But I did get some pictures...

I kept walking around telling people: "This is Joshua. He's a piece of a tree. He's in the process of dying, so I figured I'd show him around a bit!" I even sent my friend a text message saying: "If you see this in your neighbourhood do not be afraid. I come in peace" or something along those lines....
Then we were talking about (we being myself and grandpa) about New York and the window displays in the shops. So I posed for the out-doorsy shop window....
So, yes, Joshua had a grand ol' time until the neighbourhood brats started pulling on his leaves and making he death more painful. Seriously! The little boy wouldn't go away! I think that's all....Bye now!!
and for your enjoyment:
I was going to Ascii Art you a bunny (go look that up if you don't know) but my computer freaked out and is being butt head....hmph.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Fun movies!
Now. I've been on a movie craze for the past week. Sort of. I haven't watched many movies in the past week, just more than usually during the school year.
So yeah...
We rented The Princess Bride. It's completely awesome!
Here's some quotes...I don't think imdb has any good ones though...I'll see...
Vizzini: Jump in after her!
Inigo Montoya: I can't swim
Fezzik: I only dog paddle.
Vizzini: AGGHH!
Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Miracle Max: You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.
Fezzik: You never said anything about killing anyone.
Vizzini: I've hired you to help me start a war. It's an prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition.
Fezzik: I just don't think it's right, killing an innocent girl.
Vizzini: Am I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic land mass.
Inigo Montoya: I agree with Fezzik.
Vizzini: Oh, the sot has spoken. What happens to her is not truly your concern. I will kill her. And remember this, never forget this: when I found you, you were so slobbering drunk, you couldn't buy Brandy! [turning to Fezzik]
Vizzini: And you: friendless, brainless, helpless, hopeless! Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed in Greenland!
Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can *fuss*.
Fezzik: Fuss, fuss... I think he like to scream at *us*.
Inigo Montoya: Probably he means no *harm*.
Fezzik: He's really very short on *charm*.
Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme.
Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time.
Vizzini: Enough of that.
Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.
Vizzini: No more rhyming now, I mean it.
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
Inigo Montoya: You are sure nobody's follow' us?
Vizzini: As I told you, it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable. No one in Guilder knows what we've done, and no one in Florin could have gotten here so fast. - Out of curiosity, why do you ask?
Inigo Montoya: No reason. It's only... I just happened to look behind us and something is there. Vizzini: What? Probably some local fisherman, out for a pleasure cruise, at night... in... eel-infested waters...
Inigo Montoya: [drawing his sword] You seem a decent fellow... I hate to kill you.
Man in Black: You seem a decent fellow... I hate to die.
Man in Black: All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead.
Vizzini: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You've made your decision then?
Vizzini: Not remotely. Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals, and criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Man in Black: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Vizzini: Wait til I get going! Now, where was I?
Man in Black: Australia.
Vizzini: Yes, Australia. And you must have suspected I would have known the powder's origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You're just stalling now.
Vizzini: You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.
Man in Black: Then make your choice.
Vizzini: I will, and I choose - What in the world can that be?
Vizzini: [Vizzini gestures up and away from the table. Roberts looks. Vizzini swaps the goblets] Man in Black: What? Where? I don't see anything.
Vizzini: Well, I- I could have sworn I saw something. No matter.First, let's drink. Me from my glass, and you from yours.
[they drink ]
Man in Black: You guessed wrong.
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...
Vizzini: [Vizzini stops suddenly, and falls dead to the right]
Buttercup: And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned.
Man in Black: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.
Inigo Montoya: Are you the Miracle Max who worked for the king all those years?
Miracle Max: The King's stinking son fired me, and thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? We're closed.
Miracle Max: Get back, witch.
Valerie: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more.
Valerie: Bye Bye boys!
Miracle Max: Have fun stormin' da castle.
Valerie: Think it'll work?
Miracle Max: It would take a miracle.
Miracle Max and Valerie are super funny. There's this one scene after the whole "witch" thing where Valerie goes "Ever since prince humperdink fired him his confidence is shattered" and then Max gets mad at her for saying the name (Humperdink) and she chases him around the hut yelling "Humperdink! Humperdink!"
Another movie I watched was Back to the Future! I love that move...
some of my favourite quotes:
Dr. Emmett Brown: [the DeLorean has just made the first time-jump] Ah! What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour! The temporal displacement occurred exactly 1:20am and zero seconds! Marty McFly: Ah, Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated Einstein!
Dr. Emmett Brown: Calm down, Marty, I didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are completely intact.
Marty McFly: Then where the hell *are* they?
Dr. Emmett Brown: The appropriate question is, "*When* the hell are they?" You see, Einstein has just become the world's first time-traveler! I sent him into the future. One minute into the future to be exact. And at precisely 1:21am and zero seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine.
Younger Dr. Emmett Brown: [running out of the room] 1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott! Marty McFly: [following] What-what the hell is a gigawatt?
Great movie! Love it! I watched Bolt tonight! The one with Miley-stupid-Cyrus. But the movie was so cute and really funny!!
We go to New York on THURSDAY!!!
By the way. I don't own any of those quotes above. I wish I did, but I don't. So, don't sue me.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sit it out or dance...
7:10 pm Central Time Zone (United States)
I received a text message.
7:12 pm Central Time Zone (United States)
I looked at it.
Batman, my Batman, my best friend in the entire universe, who I can and have told just about anything to, who I look forward to seeing every day -even when I know I can't see her that day-, who's voice -when I get to hear it- makes me want to scream with happiness, who pretty much keeps the world going round, who keeps me on my feet, who tells me "you can do it" even when I don't believe her... moving.
Now I guess this isn't as big as it seems, I tend to over-dramatize things sometimes, and well, she's moving back to Oklahoma.
Four hours away.
I can't drive.
She assures me she'll be able to drive soon and will come visit me, but a four hour drive...most people would only make a drive like that when they absolutely had to...
Oh, and she's moving in 8 weeks.
-Sorry Batman, if you read this, sorry if it makes you sad-
I'd like to put in some corny comic relief for you, but sadly, I have none.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Some advice...and a funny story or two...
Do not climb in holly bushes.
They fricken hurt!
Mum made me practically bathe in Neosporin.
Why was I climbing in holly bushes might you ask...
Well, I was delivering a parcel ( wasn't wrapped, but same concept) to Batman. And we'd been talking all night so far. She'd been talking to her new boyfriend and telling me their entire I go to her house with my mum to deliver the secret thing. I open the door to let her dog in....and....out runs her father's satan cat!
So we chased it. Then it got behind the holly bushes and was hissing at us when we tried to grab it. The bushes are in in front of her house with like not even half a foot of space in between the bushes and the house. So I jeti my way back there and the thing is still hissing like mad. So Batman's sister is all "Are you mental?!!" and I'm all "NO! Meh!" and so then the thing ran to the other side of the house into the HOLLY bushes over on the right side. So then Batman and her sister wouldn't leave me behind the bushes.
So I was trying to Spiderman my way out and it wasn't working. So, I stood on the sprinkler and that didn't work. So then I found a foot hole in the brick and jumped over the bushes landing triumphantly on the ground. -punches fist in the air-
So we sprint to the other side of the house. All the while my mum and her mum are having a conversation by the car.
We get there...satan is no where to be found. So, we walk around the neighborhood a bit and then Batman spots it by her neighbor's house. So I run after it and it goes back in the bushes. We lured it toward the front with food and then went UNDER the bushes and swatted at it with the flashlight. Then it totally went beserk on my arm...ouch....
So then finally I give Batman the light, she gets by the door and I re-crawl under the bushes hit satan and he shoots out toward the neighbor's house again.
So then it's like in soccer or football where you're jumping back and forth trying not to let it get by you. And then I tackle the cat from behind, hold it up with a I-just-defeated-the-master-of-evil grin and walk to the door while listening to the cheers of Batman, her mum, my mum and her sister.
Moral of the story. Do NOT climb in holly bushes.
Now...for a funny story. Well, the last one was funny, but this one's funnier.
So the guy I've mentioned a few times, the stalker one. Well, Chelsea and I have a code, because he has our lunch on some days. Our code is: when I say "Chelsea, talk to me" she know's he's around and I want to be in a conversation so I he wont bother us.
So today we were walking and Chelsea was talking to her friend. And.....dun dun dun...there he I yell "Chelsea! Talk. To. Me." and she just looks at me and then keeps on talking to her friend. So, I start chanting "talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, TALK TO ME!!!" So, then she realizes what I'm getting at and we laugh about it.
Then he was gone and we were talking about it and then all of a sudden he was right behind us. So I was like "hey Chelsea! Talk to me, please" and she was like, "we already did this...why are you saying again" and then she turns her head to the side and he was like...right there! so we laugh about that and it was wayyy funnier if you were you just had to be there, but I thought I'd post it anyways.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I just put a whole bunch o' songs on iTunes and went to sync my iPod and there not enough freaking space for all the music!! So. I'm majorly pissed off and kinda sad right now. 'Cause the solution is to get a new iPod and I'm had Lucentio (loi? spelling??) for like...EVER! And I don't want to retire him!
Also, the girls I have to work with are being rude again. They didnt call me when we were supposed to practice so they taught it all to me tonight...and we have to have it ready tomorrow. Lucky for them I worked my ass off and I know the dance quite well now.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Dreadfully dramatic plant videos and my new "pet"

And here's Cactus in his new home.
He really likes it!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dance!!! Whoo!!
Speaking of dance! I'm proud to announce that, after I was royally pissed off yesterday at the fact that my class started to listen to me with five days left till our dance had to be ready, we practiced for five hours and re-did the entire beginning and some of the middle. We still have a lot to do and we need to finish it, so we'll probably be working on it on Easter, but I'm happy with what we accomplished.
This is so gets coloured! Exactly one month from this very second (today is Friday April 10, 2009 at 11:57 and like 45 seconds) I will be in New York, New York! Yup! That's right! New York CITY!! Drill team trip!!!!! The entire team plus five chaperones will go. We leave a 6 A.M. Thursday May 7th and return to Texas Sunday May 11th. We get a tour of the Empire State building, tour of Mid-town, two Broadway shows (In the Heights and Mama Mia), private dance class at the Broadway Dance Center, and a tour of Radio City Music Hall with a Rockette!! We don't usually do trips, but once every four years! I'm sooo....excited!!!
Ok, well, that was....epic? So, yeah, now I'm excited. What am I going to do now? I'm to excited to read, my room is too messy to dance, TV will keep people awake. Hmm...I'll just keep listening to this song and make up music videos/dances in my mind to it...maybe I'll finally pick another song to listen to and make up music videos/dances to that one too....well...
until next time!
--Piddle! -is excited-
Hope I like New York. I'm planning on living there for at least a year in the future....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Realizations....and stuff...
And then, you finally get everything worked out. You get a moment's rest, but just a moment. And suddenly it's in hyper-speed again. You think every thing is finally finished and you can relax for just a while and then you realize there's more. There's new things, new people, new unknowns.
That's where I am right now. I'm juggling three major projects right now. Two of them I finished tonight, but the third (the one I really need to work on) is not even halfway done. I'm trying to keep my stupid maths grade up and get my English grade up. I'm trying to teach myself our freshman spring show dance. We start practicing on stage next week. Our dance isn't done. None of us really remember it. We fight and I get ignored too much. And, I just realized, I haven't done any work on my social officer stuff in a week.
So, there you have it. I thought okay, I just have to do the speech. And the I realized 'Oh, there's Spring Show and Social Officer Tryouts'
Also, there's this thing, informational meeting, I should say, about Military scholarships. I want to go. And I think I've almost convinced my mum, not really, but sort of. I'm limited though, in what I could do. Coast guard it out. I can't dive with my ear problems. Air force? Out. You need balance and hearing and good eye sight. Also, I'm clearly not a guy, so I'm limited because they won't let women in certain fields. And then there's that constant "Am I tough enough? Am I good enough? Would I be making a mistake? Will I regret it if I don't do it?" And of course "How am I going to serve after college if I'm so limited in what I can do?"
I'm really indecisive about it right now. I suppose I have a while to figure it out. One minute I'm in and then next I'm questioning. Which isn't good. Because I must be positive, one way or another, I must be absolutely-not-turning-back positive.
And then I think about my family and friends. How will it effect them?
So, at the moment, I'm not sure. All I know is I don't feel like writing a speech, so I'll just go read.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Do you dream in colour?
I've heard people say that they dream in black and white. Is it true? How? I've also heard, though I'm not entirely sure if it's true, that more people dream in black and white than in colour. Me, personally, I've never once dreamt in black and white. (that I can remember) I usually remember all of my dreams and if I don't remember exactly what they are about I remember colours and people and feelings that are associated with the dream. So, question for the commenteers! Do you dream in black and white or colour?
I think I'm going to ask random people tomorrow if they dream in black and white or in colour. Just to see how many answers I get. It'll be fun. I love going up to random people and asking them questions or talking to them.
So, I'm kind of stressed out. I have three projects to do this weekend. I have to write and outline for an informational speech about multiple personality disorder (also known as DID), I have to build a model of a church in France (Basilique du Sacre Coeur to be exact) (actually my dad'll end up building it while I write the report and do the map), and I have to continue planning a ten day vacation to three South East Asian countries for under $4500 (for world geography). Also, I'm working on Social Officer stuff, stressing about class dances for spring show because let's face it WE ARE GETTING KNOW WHERE, and something else but I just forgot.
So, yeah. I'm really tired right now. I think I just want to lay down and probably not sleep and then sleep and not sleep some more (haha. I sound like Alice in Wonderland) and listen to music and totally not think about anything in the aforementioned paragraph.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Here's how tryouts go:
We tryout in front of three qualified judges.
Monday: We are put in the groups of three or four that we will tryout in. We learn the first half of our tryout dance. Learn split and pirouette combinations.
Tuesday: Learn second half of dance. Learn leap combinations.
Wed: Practice the dance and individual combonations and perform in small groups of 8 or 12.
Thursday: Run through the entire tryout process in your group of three or four in front of everyone else.
Friday: Tryouts! Get scored in front of a panel of judges. Usually go out to eat afterwards.
So, all was well this week. I was in the last group to tryout. Seriously, there were 46 girls trying out and I was number 45. HAha. I was in a group of three and the only veteran in the group. So, we go out and do our individual combinations and then get in our spots for the dance.
We get the kick section of the dance. You know, like the Rockettes do, where they kick in a line...that's what we do, so we got to that part. And we're doing run of the mill, easy straight kicks forward and I kicked my left leg up (two inches or so from my nose) and my right foot falls out from under me and I fall on my ASS in the middle of my tryouts! So, I'm in the middle of these two girls and I'm on the ground and they like still have their arms on me and I'm on the ground.
Here's how I fell in detail...and how I got up: So I fell and basically landed almost with my butt touching the floor. My right leg was bent underneath me and my left leg was still out in mid-air (like the weird jumpy Russian dance thing...ya know?) So then I totally JUMPED up from that position, killing my leg in the process, and made it up in time for the next kick. So I fell on one kick, came back up in time for the next one. All the while I'm kicking myself mentally and and yelling "WHAT HAPPENED?!" in my head...
It was UNreal. I kid you not, I wanted to smack myself. I never fall while kicking. So, then, once I got back up I finished the dance with a lot of enthusiasm and energy and hoped to god there were callbacks.
There usually are. In the event of callbacks they split the girls half and half by number and they just go do the dance one last time and the judges look at anyone that they might want to re-score to make it more fair. So, I went back in for callbacks and as soon as the kick section came all the judges whipped their heads around to stare me down. -shockhorror- But! I did the kick sequence perfectly, and I didn't fall.
So, that's my hilarious story for the day. It really was funny when I fell. But the Assistant Principal who was watching, didn't think so, she mouthed to me "Are you okay?" after I finished the dance when I fell. She's super nice and very supportive of the drill team.
So, yeah, that's all I got. Oh, Porkchop's birthday party is tomorrow. My mum got this guy she works with (who's also DJ part time) to do my sister's party, so it should be pretty entertaining. Batman's coming, I hope, so I'll have to talk about that tomorrow.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
it's making me laugh like a doofus.
Funny random stuff...

There it is!!

I slamed Batman's thumb in the car door. Okay, wait, it didn't SLAM and it, of course wasn't intentional. She just hadn't gotten her hand out of the way in time. Anyhow, then she spent the rest of the day bitching about how much it hurt and her mum wouldn't listen properlly and sorry Batman, but you kinda did complain a lot but I still love you :0) and yus.

LAter that day: We went to the dollar store and made some lovely flower arrangments. -I crack up every time I look at this one-
Then we got kind of lazy....

Then Batman had to lift me all the way up there -points- to get a flower.
It was fun.
Then I tried on some shoes. But this was before the flowers, after the slaming in the car...
These shoes were fricken amazing and I wanted them, but they were a bit too big.
That's all I've got for now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Also I've had dreams, TWICE, that I've had to have ear sugery again. Funny enough I'm about to go see the doctor right now. The one specializes in ear, nose, and throat. I get a hearing test and then he just kind looks in my ears tells me the right one's still suck-ish and flat-lined on the test and then sends me on my merry way.
Have I mentioned my hearing aid? Don't think so, it's one of the ones that wraps around your ear. The electronic part is purple and the part that goes into your ear is purple and red swirled with silver sparkles!! AHA!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I'm sleepy.
anyone has any guesses to why I am so tired...feel free to enlighten me...
So....I'm searching for a good informational speech topic. If anyone has any ideas please comment and GIVE ME THE IDEA SO I CAN maybe USE IT but don't just leave a comment saying "I have an idea" and that's it. Or else I'll be forced to call you a moron and laugh about you with my friends. uhhh....well, then, please, yeah, leave your idea in your comment or make a comment in your comment saying "my idea has pwn-age and I'm gunna use it for my informational speech so HA!" and then I'll probably laugh and threaten to bite your left thumb off or something completely normal like that. No. Uhh...I was kidding? Maybe? Just....yeah...uhmmmm......-wtf?-
Moooving on....I've decided that, this would be easier to understand if you'd all seen Drop Dead Fred. Well, go Imdb it after this. But from now uncle...the one I don't like shall be named the Mega-Bitch ('cause, come on, we all know that's fun to say) and I shall be Batman's Pidge (but don't confuse us with Lanna-lovely and her Batman -we do give her credit for our names-) and my sister shall be Pork Chop. Got it? Oh, and Pork Chop shall be called Pork Chop behind her back to minimalize vicious guard dog use.
I have a French project and a model of some church to build (for the project), the first three books of The Oddessy to read and some maths, which I suck at. And my room is a mess because I was going through CD's and they are still EVERYWHERE and then there's the clothes and yeah....
So, I'm gunna go not do anything I just mentioned and I might post again later.
--Piddle (who...if you want, you can call me Allison)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Yus, he made it through, now he's in recovery for two hours and no one can go see him for two hours. Then we just have to wait to see how he is. I don't know if he's awake or not or maybe I don't know. But, he made it through the surgery...
9:00 this morning: I wake up to a phone ringing and then my mother is sobbing. So, I pratically fall out of bed and my grandma (who lives with us) says "they got a lung" so I run in my mom's room and do the most uncharacteristic-Allison-thing ever. I start sobbing.
10:00 All has calmed down a bit, mum and dad have been looking online at air-flight prices and then mum comes in my room and I ask, point blank, "What am I supposed to feel?" I just don't know what to feel right now. So she answers, "Happy. You're happy. You're happy because this is the only chance he's got. If he doesn't get this surgery he dies a slow painful....if he gets the surgery he dies anyway, but he could die during the surgery, he could die after the surgery. You are happy, because this is the only chance he's got." And so I nodded and she said, "We're going to the grocery store if you want to come,"
12:23 we just got a phone call from my uncle who lives up near the hospital. He's been frantically trying to get his house together so they can stay there when the hospital releases him. They will have the lung (or lungs, no one really knows) to the hospital at 2 o'clock eastern time which is 1 o'clock where I live. My grandpa's in the OR right now and they are preping him for surgery so they can be ready when the lung gets there. I guess they know for sure it's a match, I don't know.
So, yeah, just wanted to get that out of my system. My mom's been doing stuff all day to keep herself busy, but I've been just kind of floating around. I've found I have the ability to push bad stuff away and just not think about it until I'm ready to face it. Like, right now, a normal person would be sobbing, but I'm not thinking about him or the surgery or the fact that I didn't get on the webcam with them last night to show them my new dress or the fact that I wish I had because I didn't know last night that all this would happen today...I'm just pulling things from the back of my head and not letting them up front.
Until later
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The I love your blog thing!

OK, so I was given the "Love your blog" award by Lanna-lovely. And now I'm just following the directions I was given, so as to avoid being pelted with avacados....and cheese.
So, here's what'cha do:
1) Put the award logo on your blog somewhere.
2) Add a link to the person that gave you the award.
3) Share the love! Nominate at least 7 other blogs (that
haven't already gotten the award).
4) Add links to the blogs you nominated.
5) Leave a message on the blogs you nominated (they can't accept an award they don't know about).
Soo....I gave the award to:
1. BaTMaNn
2. Winter_xoxo
3. Aliella
4. SimplyShy
5. kay
6. Leah
7. Ashley
So anyways, I've much more to say, but that'll have to wait....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Real Quick!
So, we're working on dances by grade level and obviously I'm in the 9th grade dance. So, we wanted to a modern, but the seniors are doing a modern, so I said, DO A POM! I wanted a pom from the begining. So, I suggested a song, Poker Face by Lady Gaga. So then one of the girls decides OH! WE'RE GONNA ADD HIP HOP TO THE END OF THE POM! and puts a rap song on the end of Poker Face. -gags- So, I allowed it, we are supposed to work as a team. But now everything's screwed up so I got pissed and ranted in my head and wrote them a passive-aggressive note in my mind and wanted to share it. Names are changed.
Hey Girls,
I have been so excited to do this dance with you, however, it doesn't seem to be going well. I know you wanted to do a modern, but I think pom is better, because it's more high energy and the audience will like it. But, I have a concern. It's a freaking POM, not a hip hop! Transition from pom to hip hop at least and make the pom look like a pom. Also, your pom choreography sucks. You said that you couldn't choreograph a pom, Claire, and so I said I would do it and you and Cassidy could do the hip hop, but now it's like LETS DO IT TOGETHER! No! See, because your "pom" doesn't have enough arm movements and it's just standing and doing ripples! What the hell is that?! Let me do the pom and you guys stick to your hip hop crap.
And what happened to common courtesty? I come in everyday and, admit it, I'm super nice to you guys. I never get a word from you. If I say hi then you'll say hi. If I don't say hi, well shit, you're not going to say hi. I got up this morning and dragged my ass out in the rain and I couldn't even see because of my vision issues and came to practice. And you two were the first people in the studio this morning and you sat ACROSS the room and didn't say a word to me. Then you just went in the gym and basically left me for dead to fend for myself when I can't even hardly tell if someone's STANDING IN FRONT OF ME or not! Honestly, we're not in second grade anymore! Get over yourselves! When people need help, which I clearly needed help considering I was soaked and "looking" around trying to find someone that wouldn't mind helping me, if someone needs help, HELP THEM! So, thanks for nothing.
Yus, I went back and edited.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I realized something today, when I found out it isn't epilepsy that causes the eye things. I got really mad and upset because like I said before, that's a suck-ass answer. I realized that I am perfectly fine with other people being upset or angry over legitimate things, but when I'm upset or angry over legitimate things It's pathetic. So, why is it pathetic when I'm upset, but not when other people are? Why do I think that way?
I guess it's cause I want to think that I'm invincible. Not like, teenage boy suddenly thinks that he can jump off a cliff and live, invincible, but like the I-don't-need-any-help-and-getting-upset-is-stupid-and-such, invincible. I guess it's just 'cause I don't want any help with anything no matter what.
Like my code for asking for help on a school resume project..."Mr. Webb said that our parent's would love to help us with this project!" Translation: I have no fricken idea how to write a resume! Mom! Help!
So, yeah, that's about it, for now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Haha. Get it? It's yellow, nannerpuss.....banana.....-shuts up-
I absolutely hate that commercial, although the nannerpuss thing makes me crack up laughing every time. But I hate bananas so....
Wells...we did much better at our second contest. But, I don't remember all the awards.
I totally had soo...much to blog about and now I've forgotten most of it.
I kept checking my blog and thinking, "Why the heck hasn't she posted in so long?" and then I finally told myself this, "It's YOUR blog! YOU have to post!" and I was like OH! and then Vlad was all, "No shit sherlock" and I was all "yeah? well, stfu! -pwn'd-"
So, I decided to post. I bought Batman (my Batman) her Cristmas in July present. (Yus? I think we should spell it that way. What do you think?)
Allah Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!!!
Does anyone recall the magician on Sesame Street that said that? I lOved him! And Count! They were amazing!
Umm...ok, so I just remembered why I thought this post-age would be so long.
So, I have these weird vision problems where like for an hour to an hour and a half EVERYDAY I'll see blurriness and black spots in front of my face and like, it tends to happen in the morning and I couldn't compete in contest (dance) because of it and junk.
So, short story version, we've seen tons of doctors and now we are seeing a neurologist. And he ordered a sleep-deprived EEG which is where they put the like octopus cuppy thingies on your head and monitor your brain function or whatever. So I had that test on Monday morning and the results are instantanious. So we just had to wait for the doctor to review them and see whether or not I have the type of epilepsy where you just have a seizure in your brain. Our other alternative diagnosis? Occular migranes. Now, I'm hoping that it is epilepsy because then I have a solid diagnosis to go off of. I'll be happy with diagnosis of migranes but that just seems like a lame-ass answer. We've done so much to just hear that it's migranes?! But, I just want an answer and I want to dance and I want to see all the time everyday, so...
P.S. Nannerpuss is off of the Denny's resturant commercial, it has a theme song too! Go! Youtube it!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I have a lot of things to say:
1. Drill Team Competition-
Yes, we went to our competition last Saturday, and yes I was going to blog about it on Saturday, well Sunday when I got home at 2 AM, but I didn't. I was too busy shoveling candy in my face. Yes, my parents were out Gambling for God (church casino night) and they brought home tons of candy. So the competition. We did good, but we could've done better, we have another one this Saturday!
I saw some amazingly cool dances. I saw an Officer Modern (the dance officers on each team do their dances as officers and then they do team dances as well) (definition of Modern in dancing terms-A style of theatrical dance that rejects the limitations of classical ballet and favors movement deriving from the expression of inner feeling. Most moderns are very "out there" and people do different things at the same time and they tell a story) so, I saw an officer modern to the song....dun dun dun...can you guess?? The Garden by Mirah. It was super cool!! They came out in like almost Russian ballet style dresses but they were an emerald colour and yes, it was very cool, but sadly I don't have a video.
Also, I saw another modern. A team modern this time. It was to the theme song from Requiem for a Dream. The actual name of the piece is Lux Aeterna. It was cool too!! They came out in torn dirty-looking white dresses and their hair was disheveled and they had black make up running down their faces and bright red lipstick. The dance was incredibly creepy! It was amazing.
Now, there are people who think dancing isn't as hard as other sports. In fact I had a dream that I had to defend dancers and gymnasts from the "it's not that hard" evil people. Let me tell you, behind all the hair spray, glitter, make up and costumes there's just as much blood, sweat, and tears that is in other sports. Loi, this is making me laugh. -Shuts up-
2. So, I've been real stressed out lately 'cause I missed a week of school and my grades dropped and I've been trying to make-up two tests for like a week now and the teachers were out sick and not in their classrooms (which I will forgive them for) but I was flipping out today worrying because grades are due Friday for the end of the term and I was really upset, but today, miraculously, I was able to take BOTH tests!! Yay! So, that took a whole lot of weight off my shoulders.
3. YABBLE! Ok, Yabble is....well let me explain the dream first.
Here's what I sent my Batman:
I had this dream that you, me, and Haley were with these four guys (Dean, Luke, Joe, and Skippy) and we were in a castle (at one of those long table things) playing scrabble-yahtzee. Like how ever many dice/number scores you made was the maximum points you could get on your word if you finished it. It was weird....but I think we should do it sometime!! -bounces-
Sooo.....we are gonna play it on FRIDAY night! And if you've read my Batman's blog, she told you about our meeting in the mart of wal last night...if you haven't read it I'll summarize it, but you should still go read it...basically I needed a 1 inch white 3 ring binder and we were gonna go to CVS (it's like a convenience store) to get one, but we went to Walmart instead. So we get there and I scare the bejeezus out of Batman when I ran up to her and she didn't recognize me with my glasses on. Anyway, we named the game Yabble!!!! I'm super excited to play it!
Well, I should go...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Very Excited
On another note...something highly galling happened today. But timeout! first...I got a perfect score on my vocabulary quiz!!!!!! Now for the annoying thing....the girl that was with the obnoxious guys at the game last night...she's in my french class. And today we did this thing where you got to go sit with whoever you wanted and work on it. So I moved to the back of the room to be with my friend. She goes to my seat and sits next to the guy I sit next to and she brought this other guy along. So then we are told to go back to our I go back to mine and she just sits there and I say...
Me: Are you going to move?
Her: this your seat...?
Me: Uh...yeah. (I said it in a tone that said...are you some kind of idiot?)
Her: Oh.....should I move?
Me: It would be nice...(idiot tone again)
Her: -taps the guy she brought with her on the hand- Don't worry, I'll help you...but let's go over there so she can have her seat back.
It was lovely. Oh, so lovely. I have music again!! Yeah, I finally got around to charging Jeremy, so s'all good now.
I really want gumbo!!!
My mom and I did those things where you insert random words into already made up stories and it's supposed to be funny...well here's mine that I did. (I came up with the words) The words in color are the words I said.
When I was only a little jack-a-lope, no more than four of five shoes old, my mom and dad would take turns tucking me in my scarecrow and reading sailboats to me. I learned very retardedly that reading books not only helps improve your nose hair and enlarge your shoelace, but makes you a more ugly person. Today, I never go anywhere without a book in my left toenail. If I'm flying and become bored looking out the thumb, I reach into my pinkie and pull out a turtledove to read. It makes me happy. If I'm driving a car and come upon a red stretch of road, I play an audio book in my CD button and listen to a favorite eyeballs, such as Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Pipe cleaner in King Arthur's Crayon" Time passes quickly.
The End!
The word jack-a-lope made me laugh like an idiot. Apparently it's real too! It's like a cross between a jack rabbit and and antelope or something.
I know you've seen this before...sorry...I couldn't resist, plus that post somehow got deleted, and I wanted to keep this story somehow...good thing I still have it sitting in my room...
I have to go, so until next time...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Random Stuff
Song I'm currently listening to: Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne...
Something funny I did today: Tripped up the bleachers at my school's basketball game, bruised my knee in the process...seriously...I could hear it yell "OUCH" when I fell. I also laughed for 5 minutes after I fell.
Something that annoyed me today: At the basketball game, some guys were talking, attempting to flirt with some of the girls on my dance team. Most of them were freshman, now I'm a freshman too, but I'm sensible and respectful, and upperclassmen actually like me, so I was mega pissed off at these guys and the girl who was with them, she's a bitch, and anyways I wanted to go tell them off, but I chose not to...they were just being annoying. They're the type of people who think the world owes them something and those are the type of people who annoy me most...
Something I accomplished today: I learned twenty new vocabulary words at 10:30 P.M. for my quiz tomorrow. Thank you so much mom, if it weren't for you, I'd probably fail the quiz tomorrow. Seriously, and I had fun doing it too, 'cause my mom and I came up with things that help me remember words, so by 11-ish I knew them all.
Something I saw today: I saw that my eyes were really green today, yesterday they were yellow-ish, but I saw today that they were really green. I wonder what they'll look like tomorrow?
Something I'm doing: Trying to use all the "exciting colors" in fonts before I end the post.
I think I got them all, plus I've run out of things to say....WAIT! Got one more thing...Lord of the Rings beat The Godfather in Yahoo's "The Ultimate Best Picture" contest. It was the 81st Annual Academy Awards on Yahoo...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Random Junk
So...I went back to school today. After missing a week. And before lunch I was looking for Chelsea. And then she was suddenly right in front of me. So I yelled, "Oh my god!" really loudly in te middle of the crowded hallway. Go me. I felt like stepping in the middle of everything and bowing "Thank you, thank you."
So then Chelsea was all, "Hey! You're back!"
And I was all, "Yeah, contrary to popular belief I was not..." Looong pause, "In a plane crash, hit by a bus, or run over by a tornado" (it's Texas people, it could happen. I'm not sure that 'run over' is the correct term to be applied though)
I have come to the conclusion that in my living room there is a computer desk filled with papers turned upside down, suspended in the air.
In other news...I got on MSN today and literally, not 5 seconds after I sign on, my cousin signs I told him the following...
Allison: The Strange One~Betsy's~(Pidge)`:0)--"Just thought I'd mention in passing, I've always wanted a sparkly of my very own," says:
You signed in....? (Used in context like "You called...?" meaning, like a question...sort of)
As in like acknowledgement of the call and wonderment of why the call was placed. Searching for its perfect answer mate of "Yes, I called"...
In this case, "Yes, I signed in" ... only to be followed by an explanation of why said person signed in....
Meant to be said in a very deep voice. Such as the Chives the creepy butler answering his master when they rang a bell for him to come. "You called...?" In this case the "calling" was the ringing of said bell by said master...
Then I put it into a word document and added some narration...
Wow…if can make THAT sound intelligent, what ELSE could I do…?
Little green man that came out of the ceiling fan light: That doesn’t sound intelligent. That just sounds silly. That just sounds like a waste of time. That just sounds li-“–is suddenly cut off and we hear a violent choking/gasping noise. The noise dies down and we hear very heavy breathing and someone (you know who) shouts “OK IT’S INTELLIGENT!”-
It DOES, indeed, sound intelligent. No one question me. Or else. –shifty eyes-
Eugh. So, Jeremy, my iPod, isn't charged. I fell asleep with him on when I was sick. And he was completely sucked dry of power. And now I haven't had music for like days! I just haven't had the time to charge him...-cries-
So...these are my parting words...… I'll stop loving the rain when it snows unicorns and moon cakes, this act should be observed by all inhabitants of Connecticut and those of the Cayman Islands. In other words....stab me in the nose with a fork you mustn’t.
urgh! This post keeps getting all messed up! It's my sister's stupid computer, that's it!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Alright, well I've decided that I totally over-use the word okay. So, I'm going to try and stop using it for a while and find alternatives.
I'm real jealous of my father's ability to go to bed early. Seriously! He'll go in to bed at like 8:30 and I'll go in to my parents room and he'll be asleep by 9:15. Granted he wakes up a lot during the night and that is why he goes to bed so early and also, he gets up a 5. Anyway, I'm kind of jealous, but also not because when everyone else is asleep, I get things done. I'm real unproductive in the daytime compaired to what I do at night.
That's really all I have to say, but it occured to me that I never discussed the title of this entire blog. I got from the TV show The Upside Down Show. I believe it's Australian. Annnd...I really love it! It's really an amazing show, you just have to give it a chance.
Here's a link to the clip of the show. It's from the Farm episode and the Picnic episode. I can do both of the dances that are shown. It's pretty fun.
Watch it and comment. I really like it for some reason.
Here's a link to my sister blog, we'll probably be doing a shared blog sometime soon, so watch out for that too.
I wish I had more time to type, but I'll just post this now and then post again later, when I'm not as busy. AKA 11 PM tonight.
O-ok so I posted this and then realized I forgot the link. Ok so is it!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Still no moustache...
Got that over with. So, like I said in my last post, my sister and I usually get some gifts for Valentine's day. And we did. And let me be the first to tell you:
Yup. That's right. quest continues!!
So, anyways, I'm in a really weird mood tonight. It just started. I'm feeling.....childish. Not like drawing on the walls, picking my nose, eating ice cream, oblivious childishness-ity. More like, the other side of childishness. Like, the I suddenly want my mom and my teddy bear childishness. Now, that's not really my personality. I'm more of a 'yes, I love my mom, and yeah, I like having her around, I secretly, but not so secretly really love my teddy bear (whose name is Teddy)" type of person. ok, actually, I'll admit to anyone that I still have my teddy bear (whose name is Teddy) and that I do in fact sleep with him every night.
But, seriously...a few minutes ago...I almost threw a fit because I couldn't wear any of my fuzzy pants to bed cause their all dirty. Not like a temper tantrum fit, but just like crying or whatever. And I do NOT cry.'s real weird round here right now.
So...yeah. -awkward silence-
Some random guy: "Nice weather we're having, don't you agree?"
Me:"Shut up! It stopped raining. I am NOT happy,"
Also, my dad teased me today, because he says I over-use the word random. I do not! I do no such thing! Ok, well Bear-Bear is bugging me to stop typing 'cause he keeps jumping on the laptop keyboard and making it say, I'm gonna go.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Annnd the ring fits!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Funky Tucks
I've just been...unmotivated really, but I've got the flu and I can't sleep, so I figured I'd post something. So, my brain doesn't want to think right now of what's happened lately so I'll just prattle when things come to mind.
Okay, got something here, the "Funky Tucks" thing...well last night my grandfather delt cards at a church casino night thing and came home with all these Mardi Gras necklaces and junk. So I gave most of them to my sister and took the purple on that said "Funky Tucks" on it for me. It's got like, this little dude with an afro and red star-shaped glasses and a banner that says "Funky Tucks". I wore it to Hallmark today. I learned that "Funky Tucks" is a parade or a float in a seen in this conversation...
Allison: The Strange One:--"Just thought I'd metion in passing, I've always wanted a sparkly of my very own," says:
Ooh! My grandfather got this Mardi Gras necklace at this church casino night thing he delt cards at and it's purple and it says "Funky Tucks" on it.
Allison: The Strange One:--"Just thought I'd metion in passing, I've always wanted a sparkly of my very own," says:
But I told mum I was going to use the "Funky Tucks" thing to get a date someday. She laughed, but really it's just like carrying around rubber chicken or wearing a fake moustache...conversation starters...haha! Then I had a dream that I did and well...then the guy I dated actually fell in love with a panda so I pushed him out a window.
Steeven says:
cool... lay off the caffeine
Allison: The Strange One:--"Just thought I'd metion in passing, I've always wanted a sparkly of my very own," says:
ha! I haven't had any...HAAAAHAA!
Steeven says:
Steeven is my cousin...but his name is actually spelled Steven.
Today I felt like a dork buying Valentine's day stuff. Because I HAVE to buy stuff for a dance thing and I never buy anything even remotely Valentine's day-ish and I had to today and it felt creepy...
There was something else I wanted to say, but I don't's only 11:39...oh well, I'm tired of typing, the clicking noise makes my head hurt more...
That's all for now folks. (haha Bugs Bunny quote...or is it someone else? I don't really brain won't let me think right now...)
Monday, February 2, 2009
I was missing my shoes...?
Oh! Ok. I got something.
Okay, so in school today after we ate lunch I was walking with my friend Chelsea and we were talking. And you know that feeling you get when you think you're missing something, but you really aren't and you don't (side note: I just threw my cat into my sister. I'll explain that later) I felt like I was missing something, but I knew I wasn't. So we were walking to our classes (mine was french and hers was spanish) and then I was touching things that were in the hallways. I figured if I touched the thing I was "missing" then I would feel okay again. So I touched my purse, my jacket, some random kid in the hallway as he passed by (that was akward) and then I looked at Chelsea and said "I have the suuden urge to take off my shoes and hold them while I walk,"
She lost it. That statement caused her to laugh uncontrolably and ALMOST, key word almost, roll on the floor laughing.
TIMEOUT! Ok so my sister is asking me for help with her homework...this is the it me or is this a trick question??
2. Kevin counted 12 sports cars in the neighborhood. Each sports car had 2 bumper stickers. He also counted 8 vans. Some vans had 5 windows. How many bumper stickers did Kevin count?
The answer choices are:
A. 12
B. 16
C. 22
Seriously? She's in third grade. I don't know what the equivalent of third grade is in other countries, but that's pretty tricky for a third grader. Like it took me a few minutes to get it.
Anyways....I don't remember where I was -looks up- right, so, then we walked up the stairs and I took off my shoe and continued waliking to french. I walked in the room and everyone was instantly stareing at me. I tried to explain it to them but that only earned me looks of concern for my sanity....
I told my dad about this in the car and he just looked at me and said, "Seriously, like stab my nose with a fork, seriously?"
Then I laughed.
Not five minutes later dad's phone rang. My mom called and wanted to talk to me. GOOD NEWS! Yay! My grandfather is sick and he lives 2000 miles away in house by the water with boats and fish and crabs and my grandma who is an amazing cook and okay anyhow....he is sick with pulmonary fibrosis which is basically where your lungs are scarred and your oxygen level drops. He's been using an oxygen mask for ages now. And when he does simple things his oxygen drops a lot. Just walking down the hallway it drops to 70. And when he needed to change the tank it droped to 60. Your oxygen level should be at 100 or 99-ish at all times.
He's been going to doctors visits for months trying to get put on a lung transplant list, and even getting the transplant will just give him more time, pulmonary fibrosis can't be cured and it kills people in varying time frames. Anyways I've been real worried about him not getting on the transplant list, with him being 75. But my mom called me today to tell me that he is on the list! They've packed up everthing, because at any time they could get a phone call and then they'd have to drive two hours to get to the hospital.
Anyway, I'm happy about this, so...w00t!
I was gunna post now but then I realized I hadn't mentioned how I managed to throw my cat into my sibling....
So my cat jumped up on my desk and was laying in front of the laptop. Then my sister came over to try and steal the remote for my iPod dock so she could change the song and then I pick up the cat and gently tossed him, ok well he kind of jumped, into my sister which had us rolling on the floor.
Note: I love my cat and I'm not some kind of animal abuser. He jumped out of my hands as I picked him up. Yay Bear-Bear!