Saturday, March 14, 2009

The I love your blog thing!

OK, so I was given the "Love your blog" award by Lanna-lovely. And now I'm just following the directions I was given, so as to avoid being pelted with avacados....and cheese.

So, here's what'cha do:

1) Put the award logo on your blog somewhere.

2) Add a link to the person that gave you the award.

3) Share the love! Nominate at least 7 other blogs (that
haven't already gotten the award).

4) Add links to the blogs you nominated.

5) Leave a message on the blogs you nominated (they can't accept an award they don't know about).

Soo....I gave the award to:

1. BaTMaNn

2. Winter_xoxo

3. Aliella

4. SimplyShy

5. kay

6. Leah

7. Ashley

So anyways, I've much more to say, but that'll have to wait....


1 comment:

SimplyShy01 said...

Thank you for giving the award to me! It means a lot!

I'm looking forward to your next posts to come!

Have a nice day :)!