Monday, February 2, 2009

I was missing my shoes...?

I don't really know where to begin. I feel like a lot has happened today...

Oh! Ok. I got something.

Okay, so in school today after we ate lunch I was walking with my friend Chelsea and we were talking. And you know that feeling you get when you think you're missing something, but you really aren't and you don't (side note: I just threw my cat into my sister. I'll explain that later) I felt like I was missing something, but I knew I wasn't. So we were walking to our classes (mine was french and hers was spanish) and then I was touching things that were in the hallways. I figured if I touched the thing I was "missing" then I would feel okay again. So I touched my purse, my jacket, some random kid in the hallway as he passed by (that was akward) and then I looked at Chelsea and said "I have the suuden urge to take off my shoes and hold them while I walk,"

She lost it. That statement caused her to laugh uncontrolably and ALMOST, key word almost, roll on the floor laughing.

TIMEOUT! Ok so my sister is asking me for help with her homework...this is the it me or is this a trick question??

2. Kevin counted 12 sports cars in the neighborhood. Each sports car had 2 bumper stickers. He also counted 8 vans. Some vans had 5 windows. How many bumper stickers did Kevin count?

The answer choices are:

A. 12
B. 16
C. 22

Seriously? She's in third grade. I don't know what the equivalent of third grade is in other countries, but that's pretty tricky for a third grader. Like it took me a few minutes to get it.

Anyways....I don't remember where I was -looks up- right, so, then we walked up the stairs and I took off my shoe and continued waliking to french. I walked in the room and everyone was instantly stareing at me. I tried to explain it to them but that only earned me looks of concern for my sanity....

I told my dad about this in the car and he just looked at me and said, "Seriously, like stab my nose with a fork, seriously?"

Then I laughed.

Not five minutes later dad's phone rang. My mom called and wanted to talk to me. GOOD NEWS! Yay! My grandfather is sick and he lives 2000 miles away in house by the water with boats and fish and crabs and my grandma who is an amazing cook and okay anyhow....he is sick with pulmonary fibrosis which is basically where your lungs are scarred and your oxygen level drops. He's been using an oxygen mask for ages now. And when he does simple things his oxygen drops a lot. Just walking down the hallway it drops to 70. And when he needed to change the tank it droped to 60. Your oxygen level should be at 100 or 99-ish at all times.

He's been going to doctors visits for months trying to get put on a lung transplant list, and even getting the transplant will just give him more time, pulmonary fibrosis can't be cured and it kills people in varying time frames. Anyways I've been real worried about him not getting on the transplant list, with him being 75. But my mom called me today to tell me that he is on the list! They've packed up everthing, because at any time they could get a phone call and then they'd have to drive two hours to get to the hospital.

Anyway, I'm happy about this, so...w00t!

I was gunna post now but then I realized I hadn't mentioned how I managed to throw my cat into my sibling....

So my cat jumped up on my desk and was laying in front of the laptop. Then my sister came over to try and steal the remote for my iPod dock so she could change the song and then I pick up the cat and gently tossed him, ok well he kind of jumped, into my sister which had us rolling on the floor.

Note: I love my cat and I'm not some kind of animal abuser. He jumped out of my hands as I picked him up. Yay Bear-Bear!

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