Sunday, February 15, 2009


Oh em fricken PEANUTS! My blog has a twin!!! Or a sister...something like that...anyhow, my best friend made a blog, and on it...she stated that my blog is a sister to hers! How awesomely amazing is that?! Probably not very awesomely amazing to you, but...I'm a dork, so I like it.

Here's a link to my sister blog, we'll probably be doing a shared blog sometime soon, so watch out for that too.

I wish I had more time to type, but I'll just post this now and then post again later, when I'm not as busy. AKA 11 PM tonight.


O-ok so I posted this and then realized I forgot the link. Ok so is it!


1 comment:

lanna-lovely said...

I'm following her blog now too (and seriously, could blogspot make that sound anymore creepy? "following". lovely) :]