Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Very Excited

I'm very excited! Dance competition this Saturday! I have to be at school at 6 AM on Saturday and we drive to Somewhere, Texas. Loi...I don't know where we're going. But the competition is all day. Seriously...awards aren't till 10 PM!

On another note...something highly galling happened today. But timeout! first...I got a perfect score on my vocabulary quiz!!!!!! Now for the annoying thing....the girl that was with the obnoxious guys at the game last night...she's in my french class. And today we did this thing where you got to go sit with whoever you wanted and work on it. So I moved to the back of the room to be with my friend. She goes to my seat and sits next to the guy I sit next to and she brought this other guy along. So then we are told to go back to our I go back to mine and she just sits there and I say...

Me: Are you going to move?

Her: this your seat...?

Me: Uh...yeah. (I said it in a tone that said...are you some kind of idiot?)

Her: Oh.....should I move?

Me: It would be nice...(idiot tone again)

Her: -taps the guy she brought with her on the hand- Don't worry, I'll help you...but let's go over there so she can have her seat back.

It was lovely. Oh, so lovely. I have music again!! Yeah, I finally got around to charging Jeremy, so s'all good now.

I really want gumbo!!!

My mom and I did those things where you insert random words into already made up stories and it's supposed to be funny...well here's mine that I did. (I came up with the words) The words in color are the words I said.

When I was only a little jack-a-lope, no more than four of five shoes old, my mom and dad would take turns tucking me in my scarecrow and reading sailboats to me. I learned very retardedly that reading books not only helps improve your nose hair and enlarge your shoelace, but makes you a more ugly person. Today, I never go anywhere without a book in my left toenail. If I'm flying and become bored looking out the thumb, I reach into my pinkie and pull out a turtledove to read. It makes me happy. If I'm driving a car and come upon a red stretch of road, I play an audio book in my CD button and listen to a favorite eyeballs, such as Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Pipe cleaner in King Arthur's Crayon" Time passes quickly.

The End!

The word jack-a-lope made me laugh like an idiot. Apparently it's real too! It's like a cross between a jack rabbit and and antelope or something.

I know you've seen this before...sorry...I couldn't resist, plus that post somehow got deleted, and I wanted to keep this story somehow...good thing I still have it sitting in my room...

I have to go, so until next time...


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