Sunday, February 15, 2009


Okay, well, I realize that in my last post I sounded like someone on a cheesy shampoo commercial. I promise not to do that again. If I end up doing it again, I'll be sure to warn you.

Alright, well I've decided that I totally over-use the word okay. So, I'm going to try and stop using it for a while and find alternatives.

I'm real jealous of my father's ability to go to bed early. Seriously! He'll go in to bed at like 8:30 and I'll go in to my parents room and he'll be asleep by 9:15. Granted he wakes up a lot during the night and that is why he goes to bed so early and also, he gets up a 5. Anyway, I'm kind of jealous, but also not because when everyone else is asleep, I get things done. I'm real unproductive in the daytime compaired to what I do at night.

That's really all I have to say, but it occured to me that I never discussed the title of this entire blog. I got from the TV show The Upside Down Show. I believe it's Australian. Annnd...I really love it! It's really an amazing show, you just have to give it a chance.

Here's a link to the clip of the show. It's from the Farm episode and the Picnic episode. I can do both of the dances that are shown. It's pretty fun.

Watch it and comment. I really like it for some reason.


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